The best vpn in China for Mac OS X is 12vpn. It is as clear as that. I’m an advertiser to get a smattering vpn companies. 12vpn, strongvpn and switchvpn. All three are decent vpns are adequate (I Have attempted all personally) but once I say the greatest vpn in China for Mac OS X is 12vpn here’s what I mean.
As an affiliate marketer, we get numbers as to what amount of sales were made during the day, to who it was sold, what time plus a bunch of other figures. Something I Have seen recently is that about seventy percent of income coming from 12vpn in China are customers using Mac OS X running system. The other companies have a pretty even mix, perhaps strongvpn somewhat leaning toward windows users and well, not a lot of folks use switchvpn, but some here and there choose to register using their service. So why are folks with Mac OS X choosing 12vpn as their favourite VPN in China? I consider there are a couple of reaons, primarily cost, accessibility, and support.
Increasingly more individuals are switching to Macs and expats and travelers in China are no different. When you arrive in China nevertheless, it instantly becomes clear the restrictions the Chinese government puts on the net can seriously impair your internet browsing abilities with Web pages like Facebook, Youtube, and many blogging websites are blocked as well as the list grows every day. Even sites which could be not blocked could be slow to the stage making you give up – that’s merely another form of internet censorship! A lot of people as they look for methods to tunnel the Great Firewall fast stumble upon the idea of vpns and begin looking fo the greatest vpn in China for Mac OS X.
The number of prices, styles, and contract intervals is never-ending but price looks like the thing that makes or breaks the deal for many people . Getting right to the point, 12vpn has by far the lowest priced deals on vpns. For about three dollars a month you will get the same service which other companies are charging up to 20 dollars per month for. The price alone makes 12vpn the greatest vpn in China for Mac OS X (for some users). This really is the limited service (10 MB up/download per month) along with common IP. Though it’s ‘limited’, this service is more than enough for the typical internet user. Blogging, streaming video, obtaining Facebook – All these become forthwith potential with only three dollars a month (about 16 RMB…how much was that pepper fried beef yesterday evening? 12 kuai?) They do have a private VPN accessible which may improved for people who leave torrents downloading at night or anticipate quicker speeds for Youtube videos. It’s sevently dollars annually or forty for half a year. The price of the service is comparable to the shared IP services of other firms. Compare them!
Another significant point which makes 12vpn the best vpn in China for Mac OS X is the accessibility of their service. Their ‘no frills’ layout makes it easy do determine which service you need and is obvious that 12vpn is intended for Mac users. There’s nothing confusing about PPTP or other web jargon. It is merely, “PC or Mac”, “Lite or Personal”, “How long”, “Ended”. Lots of other vpn services out items their home page with lots of banner ads and confounding details about selection of server location, technical information, and gaudy lights saying how amazing their service it. I actually don’t care about that stuff. I want something quick and dependable, and I need it now. That’s where 12vpn stands out as the very best vpn in China for Mac OS X. Simple, quick, and effective.
The ultimate reason is support. While 12vpn does not have on-line support like some other vpn firms (it is downfall, but maybe why its so cheap), you can contact them by e-mail and they’ll usually e-mail you back the day of!. It is not MSN chatting, but its still pretty great. They’ve got a wikipage designed as kind of a self-help FAQ for Mac OS X in China with info on all of the devices they support including ipod, ipad, and other hand held devices. Most of the problems with installation, connection, or whatever else have recently been solved and all you have to do is a search on their wikipage to figure out what to do.
My suggestion is don’t attempt to reinvent the wheel. The very best vpn in China for Mac OS X has already been proven to be 12vpn. By my report I’d say that the majority of folks living in China running Mac OS X are choosing to go with 12vpn.